
So, I installed Vivaldi with high hopes, but was ultimately annoyed. Not by the browser itself, but by what it did to my computer. I mainly used Google Chrome, and I saw that Vivaldi was a bit more complex, and I liked that; so I gave it a try. I was very pleased when using it, but then I tried to open up Chrome again, because I wanted to upload something for school, and I could only access it on Chrome. That’s when things starting getting annoying; Chrome will now refuse to open. I have uninstalled it and re-installed it, and it doesn’t fix the problem. I tried restarting my computer, and that didn’t work either. By this time I knew it must of been Vivaldi that was causing this, because it Chrome worked perfectly fine before I downloaded Vivaldi. So I then tried to uninstall Vivaldi, the only problem is: it doesn’t let me uninstall it. Oddly enough, after around 30 minutes of no feedback, it finally uninstalled. This has been around 45 minutes of troubleshooting, but after all of this, I still don’t hate your browser. Even though I will most likely never use it again, I would recommend it to someone, and hope that this problem is isolated to me. I really enjoyed the layout of the browser. I loved how it showed you your internet speed. This browser is very well made, it’s just that I had such an annoying problem with it. I still don’t have Chrome fully working yet. I recommend this browser to anyone looking for a more complicated browser, but be careful, because you might end up like me.


Thank you for reading this.